Natural healthcare that can change your life

Conditions Helped

Do you remember the last time you felt really well? How good did it feel? Maybe you feel you deserve to feel like that again. These are just some of the conditions which may be helped by Alison's treatments:

Alison uses kinesiological manual muscle testing to assess the body's imbalances, and suggests a treatment plan according to the feedback the body gives through the muscle testing. The treatment plan may involve the use of herbs, flower essences, nutrients, gentle structural realignment, suggested dietary changes, stress release techniques, acupressure and many others.

 Learn more about treatments

Alison has written a number of informative articles about common conditions that affect people, such as candida, PMS and mercury toxicity.

 Read articles

You might also wish to read some Case Histories that explain how Alison has treated people with certain symptoms.

 Read treatment Case Histories

Your health is your most valuable possession. Guard it with care.

Alison's Workshops

Coming soon: "Candida, the Scourge of Modern Times" and "The Callahan Technique, Tapping for Personal Empowerment."
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Wellbeing & Vitality

Alison uses natural medicine and a combination of treatments, learning and coaching.
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Sessions for children

The gentle, natural medicines Alison uses can be used safely for treating children, including babies and infants.
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