Natural healthcare that can change your life

Sessions For Children

The gentle, natural methods and medicines I employ can be used safely for treating children, including babies and infants.

Kinesiological muscle testing

Children are too young to be muscle tested successfully, but kinesiology has the wonderful technique of surrogate muscle testing which means that children and babies can still be treated using kinesiology.

The parent sits or lies on the couch and I put Bach essences on an acupuncture point near their neck to ensure that the information gained is not theirs. Then we muscle test the parent and, as long as the child is in physical contact with them, the information gained through muscle testing is that of the child.

What do treatments involve?

According to the feedback from the surrogate muscle testing, I recommend one or more of the following:

I usually find children enjoy their sessions with me as much as I enjoy working with them. They look forward to playing with the toys I put out for them and to choosing a shell or small crystal from the bowl to take home.

To learn more about how I treat children, read the case history of Robert, aged 17 months, whose parents asked me to address his eczema.

 Read Case Histories

Your health is your most valuable possession. Guard it with care.

Alison's Workshops

Coming soon: "Candida, the Scourge of Modern Times" and "The Callahan Technique, Tapping for Personal Empowerment."
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Wellbeing & Vitality

Alison uses natural medicine and a combination of treatments, learning and coaching.
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Sessions for children

The gentle, natural medicines Alison uses can be used safely for treating children, including babies and infants.
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